From Iceland — Not So Dirty Weekend

Not So Dirty Weekend

Not So Dirty Weekend

Published July 23, 2010

I decided to go to that terribly fucking desperate Inspired by Iceland concert. Saw the first two performers and left as soon Hafdís Huld opened her mouth to make some cheeky joke about the weather. Decided to find the nearest bar, and fast cause it was pissing rain.

Stumbled into Highlander, very confused. Saw some people I knew and it was like bumping into friends in an airport in a foreign country. I really liked it there, except the bartenders were fucking incompetent. We decided to stay until the main event, the dreamy Spiritualized. This time they would be playing an acoustic set. I wasn’t gonna complain about that, since I’m getting rather bored of seeing most of the bands that play here.
Eight beers later it stopped raining and on we went. The concert was beautiful, but I kept getting distracted by the lack of people there. It was absolutely packed when it was pouring rain and now there was barely anybody there. Hasn’t anybody heard Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space?
After the show the guitarist mentioned that he wanted to score some dope. Luckily a guy I knew had just gotten some in exchange for putting a dealer on the guest list for a concert that was taking place the next day. The band mentioned that they’d love to play here again, possibly in a church. I might set aside my principles and attend if they were to play. Afterwards we went to the ‘Inspired’ afterparty, which was taking place at Austur. I’d been there once before but spent most of my time on the roof. The service up there was terrible. Couple of drinks later, it was off to another party, this time at an Asian sports photographer’s apartment. It was god-awful, but he had vodka and Wu-Tang.
I don’t remember what happened the next day.
Saturday I decided to check out new bars, since Kaffi Grand was closed. It’s amazing that they sell large bottles of beer for only 500 ISK. The bars I checked were Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and the one next to it. I didn’t look for the name. Spent less then seven seconds at each. I couldn’t bear any more disappointment, so the logical place to go to was Bakkus. It was wonderful to see that KGB was the one DJing that night. ALways a pleasure to bump into that guy.
After a couple of shots I decided to head off to Kaffibarinn with my friend Ben and some Danish girls. Don’t remember who was DJing there, possibly Maggi Lego. The inevitable boredom of watching everyone’s posing kicked in and we decided to go back to Bakkus. Hooked up with one of the Danish girls. Her boyfriend was outside smoking. At closing time, I headed off to an after party with some fine folks. I don’t remember much except that the owner of the apartment had a Birthday Party 12” that I didn’t own. I decided to leave. Didn’t take the Danish girl home either.


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